Yoga For Leadership

A good friend gifted me with yoga many years ago. I didn’t realize it was a gift because it was a torturing hot yoga class and at the time all I could think of was this class is impossible.  I had many excuses that came immediately to me — it was too hot.  I am not limber enough.  I might hurt myself in these inhuman postures.  All I could focus on was the negative.  

I was upset afterward with my attitude and decided to return the following day and give it another try.  The next day I became aware that nobody was comparing what they were doing to others.  They each seemed to be present with themselves.  I had initially thought everyone was laughing at how awkward I was. This was the story I was telling myself.  They were concentrating on being and doing their best.  I also became aware that I was not paying any attention to myself but paid more attention to what I couldn’t do and what everyone else was doing.  That was a defining moment for me.  I began my self-discovery adventure through this unexpected venue.  Some of the lessons became invaluable in my leadership role in my company.  The following tools when exercised help build patience, teach you to appreciate the value that everyone brings to a project, show you how to leave your ego at the door, and help you develop a vital skill of being present.

These are some tools that I have learned from yoga that are beneficial for leading yourself, leading your team, and leading your company.



A constant in all of my yoga classes has been that each instructor starts off with suggesting we set an intention for what we want to experience in the class  that day.  As a leader set an intention and encourage others to do so. This gives you direction and buy in to what you are doing as well as the people you work with. 



Self awareness helps you understand your own priorities and what triggers you to take action or put things on hold

Being self aware keeps you accountable to yourself, your project, your vision, and your goals.  



Listening skills are heightened in yoga.  You listen for instructions from the teacher.  You listen to how your body is telling you to respond.  You listen to find ways to keep on going when you initially want to give up.   Listening helps you to partner productively with colleagues, family, and friends. Using active listening at work you discover the value that others bring to a project that you may have overlooked. You find out how you can be a better support and leader.  You find new ways for growth. You are more aware when it might be necessary to course correct.



In yoga you focus to help maintain balance.  You focus to be ever so present to what you internal barometer is saying to you and how.  Your focus supports you in observing what you are doing and how you are doing it. To know where you are going and what you want to accomplish focus is important. Focus is an important ingredient wherever you are and whatever you are doing.



Through yoga your breathing is the keystone for centering your emotions, balancing what’s going on with your internal territory and your external self.  Learning how to control your breath is pivotal in eliminating stress.  Yoga helps you change your inner conditions by taking you out of reactivity and anger . When you slow down your breath you can control your outer response more appropriately. Something so simple as taking a few deep slow breaths in and few deep slow breaths out does wonders in leadership. Breathing is also a key instrument in stress reduction.

Important tools in leadership

If you look at the tools used in yoga —  Intention, self-awareness, listening, focus, and breath work these are effective and important tools in Leadership.  Mastering these tools supports patience, better decision making, provides the opportunity for you to be more creative in times where so much change is taking place, supports your continuous personal growth, model behavior for others growth as well.


Nature is a catalyst

A year ago I added an additional class and that is yoga in the park combining yoga with nature.  What I learned is that nature is a catalyst for leadership.  

Nature is unpredictable; no two days are the same.  We practice in all elements except rain.  Acclimatizing myself to the cold, the heat, the mosquitoes, the wind requires discipline on my part.  Heretofore I had taken nature for granted especially living in Los Angeles where the climate is temperate most of the time. I was introduced to crisp cool mornings with wet grass from the early morning dew.   I found that I had to create a comfortable environment for myself, dressing in layers.  The first few classes reminded me of how I approached my first hot yoga classes but now I was in very cool damp elements which was something else to fret about.

Before the class ended it began to warm up and the chorus of the birds singing, and the swaying of the tree branches became a treat which overshadowed some of the intensity of the postures.  I learned to once again self-direct myself with where I could focus and find the gratitude in being one with nature. 

I am not as flexible as in my younger days, but I am a much better leader of myself and appreciate that I am an effective partner to my clients.