The "O" Element Podcast | Religion Part One | S01 E04

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What to Expect

Welcome to The “O” Element!

Cynthia Oredugba and Ndali Ojeikere bring you a weekly dose of global sisterhood from Los Angeles to Lagos. They have inspiring conversations designed for all. This podcast highlights California and America as well as Lagos and Nigeria featuring cultural perspectives for both countries.

The two cohosts are both Coaches.

I (Cynthia) am an Executive and Leadership coach while Ndali, my co-facilitator, works with Emotional Intelligence.

We will present perspectives from both cultures on each episode.


Cynthia and Ndali discuss the tremendous impact that religion and their faith have played in their lives, communities, and nations.

Listen as Cynthia reminisces about sacred time with her Grandparents, including some yummy breakfast food, as well as how her Grandfather’s teachings still ring true today as she desires to show God’s love to all. The church in Nigeria has been a huge influence in Ndali’s life as she shares how her sister was healed miraculously which led to a new understanding of faith and love for the Father.

Don’t miss this wonderful episode as the ladies discuss similarities, including Pastor T.D. Jakes, and differences in religion.

If you are a new listener to The “O” Element, we would love to hear from you.  Please visit Cynthia’s Contact Page and let her know how she can help you today!

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Our favorite part of recording a live podcast each week is participating in the great conversations that happen on our live chat, on social media, and in our comments section.  

This week’s question is:

Question: How has religion played a role in your life?

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